
Cinquenta has both a haunting, lyrical melodic theme that reflects the simple Appalachian simplicity and the pentatonic roots of American music and the comtemporary rhythmic accompaniment that provides a festive atmosphere – just perfect for the celebration of the AGEHR 50th anniversary and Area V’s contribution to that celebration. At first glance the piece appears complex, but the repeated rhythmic-pentatonic ostinato is carefully patterned and can be quickly learned by beginning choirs. Additionally, children playing Orff instruments can be added to allow a “random” pentatonic feel in the 5/4 sections. Explore the textures of different bell sounds throughout the piece, even explore the possibility of other “ringing” percussion; tubular bells, chimes, various bell manufacturers, xylophones or glockenspiel and any other ringing percussion sounds! Explore ALL your options to make the piece more festive and exciting!