
Bound for South Australia is a sea shanty, also known under such titles as Rolling King and South Australia. As an original worksong it was sung in a variety of trades, including being used by the wool and later the wheat traders who worked the clipper ships between Australian ports and London. In adapted form, it is now such a very popular song among folk music performers that it has been recorded by many artists and is included in many of today’s song books.
Alex created this arrangement for the Spirit Bells of Concordia University Irvine’s 2015 tour of Australia. It is scored for 3-5 octaves handbells and optional percussion.

Note: This is PDF sheet music that you must download and print after purchasing.  You will NOT receive paper music in the
mail unless you specifically request it via email ( and pay additional shipping costs.

Bound for South Australia comes as a single pdf license (buy 1, make 1 copy), a single Full Score license (buy 1, make 1 copy, a reproducible percussion part and/ or a BUNDLE which is a full score, the handbell part (with permission to make up to 15 copies), and the percussion part. You only need to purchase one copy of the bundle.